Planting the seed to better health.™
Which Juice Blends are best for you
There’s an old saying “If you always do what you’ve always done - you’ll always get what you’ve always got!” Time for a change if you want to beat that yo-yo.
If a Diet Plan calls for an endless cycle of calorie counting, weighing foods or measuring fats - you're constantly focussed on food - a sure-fire recipe for disaster.
Let’s face it - if you have a guilty pleasure - cutting it out completely is simply not sustainable - find a plan where NOTHING is totally off limits!
Cutting calories (fats or carbs) consistently - shifts your metabolism down a gear
so your body needs less food to sustain it and weight loss becomes more challenging.
The science behind Intermittent Fasting - switching between periods of high and low calorie, confuses metabolism and cancels the “switch” to slow down, optimising your weight loss results - SIMPLE!