Planting the seed to better health.™
How to turn your body into an effective fat burning
machine for sustainable results!
How to turn your body into an effective fat burning
machine for sustainable results!
There’s an old saying “If you always do what you’ve always done - you’ll always get what you’ve always got!” Time for a change if you want to beat that yo-yo.
If a Diet Plan calls for an endless cycle of calorie counting, weighing foods or measuring fats - you're constantly focussed on food - a sure-fire recipe for disaster.
Let’s face it - if you have a guilty pleasure - cutting it out completely is simply not sustainable - find a plan where NOTHING is totally off limits!
Cutting calories (fats or carbs) consistently - shifts your metabolism down a gear
so your body needs less food to sustain it and weight loss becomes more challenging.
The science behind Intermittent Fasting - switching between periods of high and low calorie, confuses metabolism and cancels the “switch” to slow down, optimising your weight loss results - SIMPLE!
The concept behind the Nutriseed 5:2 Club takes the scientifically proven metabolic advantage of 5:2 Intermittent Fasting to a whole new level - making it super easy to crush those weight-loss goals!
Five delicious bottles of nutritionally packed Cold Pressed Juice blends take away the pain of planning, shopping, cooking and calorie counting on 2 “Fast” days per week - no thinking, no fuss, just grab-n-go!
The rest of the week - you get on with your life, enjoying the foods you love, sharing meals with your family and social events with your friends.
Who would have thought you’re just 2 days a week away…..from reaching your goals AND staying there?
The 5:2 Club includes weekly on-line meet-ups with the 5:2 Club Calls, an exclusive access portal with video recipes, workout programmes and targeted exercise plans you can follow on your phone, articles and more.
You also receive Nutriseed’s signature blend of eleven of the world’s most
powerful superfoods “Total Superfoods” to combine with your favourite smoothie ingredients for the perfect Non-fasting day meal replacement to not only ramp up your results, but your overall health too.