Super Spirulina Salad Dressing
One of our in-house superfoodies came into Nutri-Towers with her salad earlier this week, as she does most mornings. With her she also had a new homemade dressing that she wanted us to try. It tasted good… But there was something missing. We put our heads together and experimented, and finally deciding to add our favourite blue-green algae, Spirulina. And that’s where our new favourite salad dressing was born…
Go grab yourself…
- Juice from ½ lemon
- 1 tbsp. coconut nectar
- 1 tsp. Nutriseed Spirulina Powder
- Pinch of garlic powder
- Pinch of cayenne pepper (optional)
You ready? Here goes…
- This one’s really going to test you… Just kidding! Combine everything into a small bowl and whisk until incorporated.
Have your own recipes? We'd love to hear about them! Send them over to and if we use them, you will be entered into our monthly draw to win your very own very own Nutri-Megabox!