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7 Natural Ways to Treat Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

It’s that beautiful time of year when flowers bloom, and blossom lights up trees, and wildlife all seem a lot happier. Despite being such a gorgeous aesthetic, the pollen released from trees, plants, flowers and grass at this time can cause some of us problems, namely seasonal allergies or (known in the UK as) hay fever.

If you suffer from this, as you probably know, you can take over counter medication… Or you can seek help naturally: here are 7 ways that can help you to beat seasonal allergies the natural way.

  1. Avoid Alcohol, Caffeine & Processed Foods

Allergy symptoms (in this case predominantly sneezing, runny nose, and itchy, watery eyes) is your immune system’s defence response to an allergy, in this case, pollen. Alcoholic drinks (and wine in particular) contain histamine, which is the chemical that triggers allergic reactions. Additionally, alcohol has also been shown to also make you more sensitive to pollens (and caffeine and processed sugars have also been known to have a similar effect) 

  1. Raw Local Honey

This is one of the most beneficial of all. Local honey contains the local pollen that causes the allergies that you are experiencing but does not trigger the symptoms from it. A couple of tablespoons of raw local honey each day will help to develop your immunity against the allergy, (much in the way that malaria prevention tablets work).

  1. Spirulina

Spirulina is the blue-green algae and one of the nutrient-rich food sources around, and studies have shown it to help prevent the release of histamine, which causes the allergic reactions. Simply add a teaspoon of it each day to your morning smoothie.  Nutriseed Organic Spirulina Powder can be found here.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

There has been much discussion of late of the numerous benefits of apple cider vinegar, and for good reason. Among these is that it has been shown to help to boost the immune system, and break up mucus and support lymphatic drainage. Our favourite way to take this is to mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, and half a tablespoon of honey. Drink up to 3 times per day. 

  1. Eat Hot ‘n’ Spicy Foods

Hot and spicy foods like ginger, cinnamon and cayenne pepper can help to battle the symptoms of hay fever by helping to thin the mucus, adding it to easily be expressed. If you don’t already, add these and others like chilli flakes to your recipes during this season.

  1. Bee Pollen

Bee pollen is a popular superfood and considered to be one of the most ‘complete’ foods on the planet, as it contains nearly all of the nutrients required by the human body. Bee pollen has been shown to reduce the release of histamine, (which is how over-the-counter medicines act). (Along with consuming raw local honey, this the most powerful natural prevention around). To add bee pollen to your diet, simply add around a teaspoon to your favourite smoothies, smoothie bowls, porridge and cereals. Nutriseed Organic Bee Pollen consists of the best quality that we could find (sourced from Spain) and is available here.

  1. Probiotic Foods

Probiotics have been a buzzword over the last couple of years, and consist of healthy live bacteria and yeasts, that help to boost the immune system (along with improving digestion, energy levels and lots more). This immune system push can help ease allergy symptoms, and probiotics can be found in many simple foods including yoghurts, cheeses, sauerkraut and kombucha.

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